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Developing Sipi

Using an IDE


If you are using the CLion IDE, put -j 1 in Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake -> Build options, to prevent CMake from building with multiple processes. Also, note that code introspection in the CLion editor may not work until it has run CMake.


If you are using the Code::Blocks_ IDE, you can build a cdb project:

cd build
cmake .. -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles"

Writing Tests

We use two test frameworks. We use googletest for unit test and pytest for end-to-end tests.

Unit Tests


End-to-End Tests

To add end-to-end tests, add a Python class in a file whose name begins with test, in the test directory. The class's methods, whose names must also begin with test, should use the manager fixture defined in test/, which handles starting and stopping a Sipi server, and provides other functionality useful in tests. See the existing test/test_*.py files for examples.

To facilitate testing client HTTP connections in Lua scripts, the manager fixture also starts and stops an nginx instance, which can be used to simulate an authorization server. For example, the provided nginx configuration file, test/nginx/nginx.conf, allows nginx to act as a dummy Knora API server for permission checking: its /v1/files route returns a static JSON file that always grants permission to view the requested file.

Commit Message Schema

When writing commit messages, we stick to this schema:

type (scope): subject


  • feature (new feature for the user)
  • fix (bug fix for the user)
  • docs (changes to the documentation)
  • style (formatting, etc)
  • refactor (refactoring production code, e.g. renaming a variable)
  • test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests)
  • build (changes to CMake configuration, etc.)
  • enhancement (residual category)


feature (HTTP server): support more authentication methods